New, energy-efficient technologies for sustainable production




Company name:

Rolnicza Spółdzielnia Produkcyjna Przełom Mikołów

Company description:

“The indicated place is a building in which a general grocery store is located, which sells primarily sausages meat products from our own production.

Rolnicza Spółdzielnia Produkcyjna Przełom offers top quality meat products. With respect for tradition and in close contact with nature, it ensures that its products are tasty and of consistently high quality, and remind of the tradition of Silesian meat and sausages production.

In our company, we attach great importance to the fact that our products are as natural as possible. We are pig producers ourselves and cultivate more than 500 hectares of arable land, which allows us to control the quality of production at every stage. We have set ourselves high standards and respect all the requirements for producing healthy food.”

ID number on Grant  platform:



G. Wholesale and Retail Trade; Repair of Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles

EENergy budget:

10 000 €



Energy Optimization Pathways


Specific Focus Areas

Investment: Invesments in renewable energies