New, energy-efficient technologies for sustainable production




Company name:

LS Tubes AD

Company description:

“LS Tubes main activity is the production of tailormade, high-quality extruded tubes with direct printing, meeting the customer needs and desires for packaging of cosmetics, personal care, hair care, and oral care products with partners in more than 20 countries.

The company’s team consists of committed, ambitious, very well-trained, and skillful operators, technicians, and managers in whose development and knowledge the company believes and invests. As for many modern and with high level of automation companies nowadays, the future goals of the company include sustainability and digitization. LS Tubes has proven commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The developed solutions by the company fully align and maximize contribution to at least two of the goals directly: SDG9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure and SDG 13: Climate Action.”

ID number on Grant  platform:



C. Manufacturing

EENergy budget:

10 000 €



Energy Optimization Pathways


Specific Focus Areas

Investment: Invesments in renewable energies