New, energy-efficient technologies for sustainable production


Company name: | Klotz und Gangloff GmbH Maschinenbau+Anlagenbau |
Company description: | “The company Klotz und Gangloff GmbH Maschinenbau + Anlagenbau from Eschweiler is a mechanical and plant engineering company. The company has rented its halls. The lessor of the halls is currently installing a PV system (>200 kWp) to supply the halls with renewable energy. This will reduce the company’s residual electricity volume. The company itself uses the typical machine tools of a mechanical engineering company. In addition to a water jet cutting system, CNC systems and welding equipment, a compressor is used to supply the various areas of the company with compressed air.” |
ID number on Grant platform: | 2366 |
Sector: | F. Construction |
EENergy budget: | 10 000 € |
Country: | Germany |
Energy Optimization Pathways | Investment |
Specific Focus Areas | Investment: Upgrading of existing plants or equipment |