New, energy-efficient technologies for sustainable production




Company name:

ITACC SOLUTIONS Single Member Private Company

Company description:

ITACC Solutions offers a comprehensive range of services, including cybersecurity assessments, penetration tests, vulnerability assessments, information security training, advanced advisoring for implementing and auditing management systems (ISMS, PIMS, BCMS, ABMS, QMS), disaster recovery, business continuity, digital transformation, ICT infrastructure, technical support, and specialized legal services such as GDPR compliance and Data Protection Officer (DPO) services.

ID number on Grant  platform:



S. Other Service Activities

EENergy budget:

10 000 €



Energy Optimization Pathways

Investment/ Consultancy/ Training

Specific Focus Areas

Investment: Upgrading of existing plants or equipment, Replacement of exisitng plants and equipments, Invesments in  building efficiency

Consultancy: Evaluation of  the company’s  main energy consumption, Assessment of future investment needs in equipment and infrastructure, Energy Audit

Training: Influencing  employee behaviour in relation to energy efficiency through education, Influencing  company strategy in relation to energy efficiency through education