New, energy-efficient technologies for sustainable production


Company name: | Fonden for Herning Isstadion |
Company description: | The purpose of the foundation is, through the construction of an ice stadium in Herning’s northern district and its operation, through training and competitions, to promote partly the sport of ice hockey and partly the sport of ice skating in Herning by cultivating ice skating, figure skating, ice dancing and speed skating, and to make it possible, through the general public and including public access to these activities, to fulfill these purposes. |
ID number on Grant platform: | 2028 |
Sector: | S. Other Service Activities |
EENergy budget: | 10 000 € |
Country: | Denmark |
Energy Optimization Pathways | Investment/ Consultancy |
Specific Focus Areas | Investment: Invesments in renewable energies Consultancy: Creation of new energy efficiency procedures |