New, energy-efficient technologies for sustainable production


Company name: | AREYTech AI |
Company description: | Please provide a brief description of your primary product or service at the establishment |
ID number on Grant platform: | 701 |
Sector: | J. Information and Communication |
EENergy budget: | 10 000 € |
Country: | Poland |
Energy Optimization Pathways | Investment/ Consultancy/ Training |
Specific Focus Areas | Investment: Upgrading of existing plants or equipment, Purchasing/renting/leasing of new equipment not previously owned by the company, Invesments in building efficiency, Invesments in renewable energies Consultancy: Creation of new energy efficiency procedures, Changing production technology, Energy Audit Training: Influencing employee behaviour in relation to energy efficiency through education, Influencing company strategy in relation to energy efficiency through education, Increasing employer skills related to energy efficiency through training |