New, energy-efficient technologies for sustainable production




Company name:

Petanux GmbH

Company description:

“Petanux’s cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence technology is tailored to the demands of the customers from a brought variety of sectors and applications, such as data analysis, energy resources, climate and agriculture, manufacturing and Industry 4.0, health & well-being, and autonomous systems.

Petanux’ AI products provide an end-to-end AI solutions with its own set of tools for optimising processes, increasing efficiency and come to well-considered and holistic conclusions. The heating is being managed centrally through yearly flat-rate general costs estimation by the landlord. The consumption is not shown in the utility bills.”

ID number on Grant  platform:



J. Information and Communication

EENergy budget:

10 000 €



Energy Optimization Pathways

Investment/ Consultancy/ Training

Specific Focus Areas

Investment: Upgrading of existing plants or equipment, Replacement of exisitng plants and equipments, Purchasing/renting/leasing of new equipment not previously owned by the company

Consultancy: Evaluation of the company’s main energy consumption, Creation of new energy efficiency procedures

Training: Influencing employee behaviour in relation to energy efficiency through education, Influencing company strategy in relation to energy efficiency through education