New, energy-efficient technologies for sustainable production




Company name:

Firma Rodzinna Makarczykowie Spółka Jawna

Company description:

Polish family business, which provides cosmetics for babies and children from the first day of life. The company is specialized in producing cosmetics for atopic dermatitis and very sensitive skin. For more than 65 years the ”Makarczykowie Family business” has established experience, skills, and trust among young parents. It offers more than 30 various cosmetics under the brand Mother’s Treasure and private labels. Currently, the company has been run by the 2nd and 3rd generation of the company. The cosmetics are offered in high quality and reasonable prices and are available for every mother in Poland.

ID number on Grant  platform:



C. Manufacturing

EENergy budget:

10 000 €



Energy Optimization Pathways

Investment/ Consultancy

Specific Focus Areas

Investment: Invesments in building efficiency

Consultancy: Changing production technology