New, energy-efficient technologies for sustainable production
Company name: | Angero Vikmanshyttan 2:11 AB |
Company description: | We will invest in a new smart computerized steering system for heating central, with functions such as smart stops for radiatorpumps (depending on indoortemperature and demand), indoor sensor steering and other smart functions to lower the climate impact and energyconsumption. <br /><br />*Note to previous question about ”the approximate value of the establishment´s total machinery equipment for production”. Since we are a housing company we do not have any machinerys for production. The number we wrote here is the value of our building. We hope that this is correct. Our EEN Sustainability Advisor said OK for this value. |
ID number on Grant platform: | 2374 |
Sector: | L. Real Estate Activities |
EENergy budget: | 10 000 € |
Country: | Sweden |
Energy Optimization Pathways | Investment/ Consultancy |
Specific Focus Areas | Investment: Upgrading of existing plants or equipment, Invesments in building efficiency Consultancy: Energy Audit |